The Bay Area financial community is proud to come together to make a difference.

About The Sohn San Francisco Investment Conference

The Sohn Conference Foundation believes that investing in today’s youth leads to a better tomorrow. Across the country and around the world, we bring the world’s most successful investors to convene, connect and learn through annual conferences, all of which help support today’s underserved youth, improving their educational opportunities and life outcomes. The annual Sohn San Francisco Investment Conference, now in its 15th year, has raised more than $3.0M to invest back into our communities and our kids.

Registration is Open!

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
Hyatt Regency, San Francisco

2024 Speakers – Sohn San Francisco Investment Conference

2024 Speakers

Our Mission

We provide a learning growth opportunity for the beneficiaries of the Excellence in Investing for Children’s Causes Foundation (EICCF), by bringing in influential speakers from leading financial institutions around the country to share their time and ideas in the aim of supporting the improvement of graduation rates, enrollment in higher education and access to various vocational training programs for underserved high schoolers within the Bay Area.

2024 Beneficiaries

Four People Standing side by side representing the SMART Foundation

SMART champions education equity by supporting students in overcoming systemic barriers on their journey to a college degree.

Ayesha and Stephen Curry Holding Books
Eat.Learn.Play. Logo

Founded by Ayesha and Stephen Curry in 2019 launched with a focus on improving the lives of kids and families in Oakland, the Bay Area and across the country.

Child giving a small presentation at a science museum.
826 Valencia Logo

The Posse Foundation identifies, recruits and trains individuals with extraordinary leadership potential. Posse Scholars receive full-tuition leadership scholarships from Posse’s partner colleges and universities.

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors

Over $3 Million Raised

to support Bay Area organizations focused on improving educational opportunities and life outcomes for underserved youth.

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